If you’ve ever heard of the saying, ‘necessity breeds success’, then you’ll understand how the birth of our much loved North Shore Jets AFL Club came about! A group of alert & experienced Sunny

 Coast AFL club administrators & coaches identified the Pacific Paradise / Mudjimba area as one of the fastest growing areas on the Sunshine Coast, & it wasn’t long before it was recognised that there was a need to reintroduce Aussie Rules football back into the local area.


In short, the North Shore Multi Sports complex was ear marked as an ideal location, an implementation committee was formed, & after some pretty healthy negotiation a user agreement was signed to operate our new club in the current location…. our home ground! We like to call it, grassroots country style footy… by the beach!

That was back in 2009 & we’re proud to say that in our first year we competitively fielded a team in all junior age groups. Women’s AFL didn’t exist on the coast believe it or not (Hasn’t the world changed?) & in our short existence since – we’ve won 3 local premierships! Needless to say, a great club culture was created from the get-go!



A few years later, we are amidst an amazing much-needed transition in Australian Sport with AFL leading at the forefront, & here at the North Shore Jets AFL Club, we’re very proud to be embracing it with open arms!!!! With the huge new movement towards women in sport (Gender Equality) & the mental & physical health epidemic engulfing our youth (The healthy balance of getting outside – physically active & away from technology where possible)

We’re a club that lives & breathes by our core values & we’ve maintained a culture that people can relate to & want to be a part of. It was pretty simple really, as it is our members – committee – players & coaches that created them to begin with… ie: our own local community just like you!

With the creation of our new website (a time permitting evolution created by a wonderful group of volunteers), we are focused on engaging our local community partners (Sponsors that are all local family owned & independently operated businesses or local community based). We are offering our members – players – committee & community the benefit of our Physical – Mental & Nutritional online support.




One thing that won’t change in the future is our down to earth culture & once again it’s that grassroots country style AFL footy…. at the beach that we’re so uniquely proud of!

Our focus is on building & developing a pathway for all of our juniors to play at a senior level. We’re a club, that’s equally invested in producing better humans, as we are better AFL players!